Trying to improve my 6th Grade pupils' English using activities based on Minecraft

domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014


Today we are going to describe our favourite superhero.
Mine is this one:

And this is my description about her:

Now it's your turn. Choose one of these superheroes and prepare a description. You'll read it in class to your mates.

You can read my superhero's description here

2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Hi Lucía.
    Your idea of making a blog of the minecraft game is genius. My youngest son loves this games and he spends (sometimes too many hours) playing with it. I think that it is a creative and stimulating game for students, but always being careful on how many hours they spend playing. This activity can help students to venture with a blog in English language.

    Best regards,
